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Department of Economics – | Sweden |
The SLU team (Department of Economics) consists of seven persons specialized in subjects directly related to the RURAGRI 1st call, including the analysis of rural development and peri-urban areas, the assessment of rural development programs and policies, the study of land use, and the use and development of (economic and theoretical) models to study agri-food sectors and primary factors along with the quantitative evaluation of rural, agricultural and environmental policies.
Dr. Höjgård and Prof. E. Rabinowicz ‘s main area of expertise relevant for this project has to do with the evaluation and coordination and rural development policies in Sweden and some other Nordic countries. Dr. C. Waldenström, a rural sociologist, is an expert on rural and peri-urban areas. The other members of the SLU team including Dr. S. Hess, Dr. L. Di Corato, Dr. T. Jansson and Prof. Y. Surry are presently involved in quantitative studies aimed at analyzing agri-food sectors and land resources and/or assessing agricultural, rural development and environmental policies with an emphasis on the European Union.
In this process, these former persons have been developing and using several economic and theoretical models of different sorts, including partial and general equilibrium models (CAPRI and GTAP) but also dynamic and stochastic model frameworks. It should also be pointed out that the SLU team has been involved over the last five years in several EU-funded (FP-6 and FP-7) projects (IDEMA, CARERA, FACEPA, FADNTOOLS, CAPRI-RD and FACTOR MARKETS). In all these projects, emphasis was put on the study of EU agri-food sectors at the farm, regional and national levels with the objective to conduct quantitative assessment of EU-related agricultural policies.
Luca di Corato | Sebastian Hess | Sören Höjgård | Torbjörn Jansson |
Ewa Rabinowicz | Yves Surry | Cecilia Waldenström |
- SLU: http://www.slu.se/en/about-slu/locations/uppsala/
- Department of Economics: http://www.slu.se/en/faculties/nl/about-the-faculty/departments/department-of-economics/