Trustee Facts

  •  TRUSTEE Facts

• Title: Towards RUral Synergies and Trade-offs between Economic development and Ecosystem services
• Acronym: TRUSTEE
• EU-funding: RURAGRI ERA-NET, European Commission 7th Framework Programme
• Project Number: 235175
• Total Cost: 2.6 M €
• Project start: 01/09/2013
• Project end: 31/08/2016
• Consortium: 16 partners from 8 European countries (Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Spain, Sweden)
• Project Coordinator: Cécile Détang-Dessendre, Inra Cesaer (Dijon, France)

  • TRUSTEE Key Words 

rural area, suburban area, economic development, ecosystem services, land use dynamics, rural-urban dynamics, rural development, natural amenities, public policies, local governance, economic performance, consensus building