| Leader | – | Key words | – | Presentation | – | Tasks | – | Involved teams |

WP4: Composition and distribution of ecosystem services sets

| Leader |
Muriel Tichit
| Inra SADAPT |

| Key words |

ecosystem services, trade-offs synergies, bird biodiversity

| Presentation |

Ecosystem service bundles are sets of services that regularly appear together. The composition and spatial distribution of such ecosystem service bundles are not random. Both are driven by ecological, geographical, and socio-economic determinants. Understanding these relationships is crucial for exploring future trends in ecosystem services. The main objective of WP4 is to forecast the future trends of ecosystem service bundles. The following specific objectives were derived to: (i) identify the nature and the determinants of ecosystem service bundles across a large gradient of case studies at the Pan–European scale; and (ii) provide the first large-scale exploration of where and how bird communities act as indirect indicators of ecosystem service provisions.

WP4 involves two levels of analysis. The first level consists of three countries that cover four bio-geographical regions in Europe (France, Spain, Latvia). The second level consists of 6 landscape-level case studies (two cases per countries). Each landscape case study will be used to develop a bundle-of-services approach that can offer insight into whether best-management practices can be used for specific ecosystem services in specific areas (e.g. runoff erosion and water quality in France; and biodiversity in Spain and Latvia). The teams are involved in the local institutional dynamics and will create iterative learning loops between the project and stakeholders.

 wp43       wp4     wp41      wp42

| Tasks |

4.1 : Mapping of ecosystem services and their interactions

4.2 : Causal factors of ecosystem service bundles

4.3 : Common bird communities in areas with desirable and undesirable bundles of ecosystem services

4.4 : Trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services

4.5 : EU policies and ecosystem services change over time

| Involved teams |