| Leader | – | Key words | – | Presentation | – | Work plan | – | Involved teams |
Task 3.3: Governance of policy at a local level
| Leader | |
![]() Francis Aubert | INRA CESAER | |
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To implement CAP, Managing Authorities and Paying Agencies will often delegate tasks to either regional or local institutions. This is especially true for the LEADER approach, which seeks to improve the effectiveness of rural development policies by placing decision-making as close as possible to rural populations. The first objective of this task will be to analyse impacts of LAG (local action group) composition on the program design. Second, we will investigate the design of LEADER, during its second period (2007-2013), to determine if it changed under the influence of the new European framework and the results of the previous period. This task will also use case studies and development concepts from different leader groups (about five, by country, France, Germany and Italy). For each group, we will analyse context conditions, LAG composition, objectives, and how they conduct internal governance and project development, all based on document analyses and stakeholder interviews. We will interview local and extra-local experts of LEADER to help identify the drivers of local modifications between 2000-2006 and 2007-2013. We have close methodological and contextual links between Task 3.3 and Task 3.2 because LEADER is a policy instrument that can also develop the productivity enhancing strategies analysed in the latter.