Sören Höjgård

S. Höjgård
Associate professor

› Institution : SLU, Department of Economics
› Role in the project : Leader of Taks 1.2, involved in Task 6.3
› Email: soren.hojgard@slu.se
› Personnal website  

| Research interest |

Evaluation of  rural development policies and programs, and health economics

| Some recent publications |

Höjgård S and Rabinowicz E. “Evidence Based Agri-environmental Policies: The Swedish Experience”. In OECD (2012), Evaluation of Agri-Environmental Policies: Selected methodological issues and case studies. OECD Publishing. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264179332-en.

Höjgård S, Sundström K, Christensson D, Hallgren G, Hjertqvist M, Wallensten A, Vågsholm I, and Wahlström H. ”Willingness to pay for compulsory deworming of pets entering Sweden to prevent introduction of Echinoccoccus multilocularis.” Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2012; 106: 9-23.

Brady M, Höjgård S, Johansson H, Jansik C, Kaspersson E, Lehtonen H, Niemi J, Pietola K, Puurunen M, Rabinowicz  E., and Sipiläinen T. ”An Evaluation on the Impact of Nordic Aid Schemes in Northern Finland and Sweden.” Report prepared by Agrifood Research Finland (MTT) and the Swedish Institute for Food and Agricultural Economics (SLI) for DG Agriculture and Rural development, and DG Economic Analyses and Evaluation, November 2007.