Ewa Rabinowicz

E. Rabinowicz

› Institution: SLU, Department of Economics
› Role in the project: Leader of WP6 and Task 6.3
› Email: ewa.rabinowicz@slu.se
› Personnal website  

| Research interest |

Agricultural sector modelling and evaluation of agricultural and rural development policy

| Some recent publications |

Brady M., S. Ekman and E. Rabinowicz (2011): The impact of decoupling and modulation in the European Union: A sectoral and farm level assessement.  In Disaggregated Impacts of  CAP Reforms (Moreddu C:ed.) Proceedings of an OECD workshop. OECD. Paris, March 10-11 2010. Chapter 1: 15-33.

Kaspersson, E. and E. Rabinowicz (2010). Midterm evaluation of the Swedish Rural Development Programme 2007-2013. Agrifood Centre. SLU, Department of Economics.  171 pages

Rabinowicz, E., K. J. Thomson and E. Nalin (2001). Subsidiarity, the CAP and enlargement.  Swedish Institute for Food and Agricultural Economics. Lund , Sweden. Report 2011-01. 148 pages.