Torbjörn Jansson

T. Jansson
Policy analyst

› Institution: SLU, Department of Economics
› Role in the project: Research team member
› Email:
› Personnal website  

| Research interest |

Analysis of agricultural, trade and rural development policies, and development of sectorial models

| Some recent publications |

Renwick, A. Jansson, T., Verburg, P. H., Revoredo-Giha, C., Britz, w., Gocht, A. and, McCracken, D. (2013): Policy reform and agricultural land abandonment in the EU. Land Use Policy 30:446-457

Kempen, M., Witzke, H-P., Pèrez Dominguez, I., Jansson, T., and Sckokai, P. (2011): Economic and environmental impacts of milk quota reform in Europe , Journal of Policy Modeling, 33(1),29-52

Jansson T., and Heckelei T. (2011): Estimating a primal model of regional crop supply in the European Union. Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol 62, nr 1, 137-152