Deliverables – WP7

D7.1 Baseline validation I (1), Baseline validation II (2), Baseline validation III (3)

› Authors: 1 : Blanco Maria, Martínez Pilar
› Nature: Report
› Dissemination: Public
› Due date: 1 : Month 6 (March 2016), 2 : Month 18 – rescheduled at Month 24 (September 2015), 3 : Month 30 ( March 2016)
› Submission: 1 : Delivered
› DownloadD7-1-I Baseline Validation I
› Executive summary  (1)

| Description |

(1) The Baseline validation I (D7.1) deliverable includes an overview of the main agricultural modelling systems and their baseline generation processes, as well as a description of the CAPRI baseline.

D7.2 Training Workshop I (1), Training Workshop II (2), Training Workshop III (3)

› Authors: 1 : Maria Blanco, James Breen, Alexander Gocht, Mihaly Himics, Axel Tonini, Franz Weiss, Heinz Peter Witzke with the collaboration of Lilli Aline Schroeder
› Nature: Other
› Dissemination: Public
› Due date: 1 : Month 12 (September 2014), 2 : Month 24 (September 2015), 3 : Month 36 (September 2016)
› Submission: 1 : Delivered
› Download: –
› Description  


D3.3 Workshops on consensus building

› Authors: 
› Nature: Report
› Dissemination: Public
› Due date: Month 35 (August 2016)
› Submission
› Download