Deliverables – WP2

D2.1 Global drivers of EU land use

› Authors: Stefan Frank, Petr Havlík, Hugo Valin, Andre Deppermann, Peter Witzke and Yves Surry
› Nature: Report
› Dissemination: Public
› Due date: Month 12 (September 2014)
› Submission: Delivered
› DownloadD2-1 Global drivers of EU land use_final
› Executive summary  

| Description |

The objective of this deliverable is to identify and assess global drivers of change and to quantify the impact on global and European land use. Therefore a variety of macro-economic and climate change scenarios has been developed and implemented in a global economic land use model. 

D2.2 Model for analysis of EU land change

› Authors: 
› Nature: Report
› Dissemination: Public
› Due date: Month 24 (September 2015)
› Submission
› Download
› Executive summary  

| Description |


D2.3 Rural-urban dynamics of land use

› Authors: 
› Nature: Report
› Dissemination: Public
› Due date: Month 24 (September 2015)
› Submission
› Download
› Executive summary  

| Description |