D1.2 Stocktaking policy – Condensed Tabular
› Authors: Sören Höjgård, Cecilia Carlsson, Kristina Jansson , Ewa Rabinowicz
› Nature: Report
› Dissemination: Public
› Due date: Month 12 (September 2014)
› Submission: Delivered
› Download: D1-2 Stock taking of policy measures impacting rural areas
| Executive summary |
Objectives : This task examines different measures impacting rural areas financed by the rural development programmes (RDP) and possible complementary or competing measures financed by pillar I of the common agricultural policy (CAP) and other EU-funds during the period 2000- 2013. The purpose is to compile a data set that provides background information on financial resources directed to rural areas, at the NUTS-2 level, for subsequent policy analysis.
Methods : Literature and data search to extract information to select funds and measures to be included. Measure characteristics presented in tabular form. Initial assessment of complementarities and competition among measures by examination of measure targets. Main research findings : In most cases measures from the different funds seem to be complements. Potential competition (conflicts) between the measures in Axis 1 of the RDP and the Single farm payment scheme in Pillar I, and between measures in Axis 1 of the RDP and some measures under theme 1 of the ERDF. Compiled databases in accompanying files.
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