Virginie Piguet

V. Piguet
Study engineer

Institution: INRA CESAER
Role in the project: Leader of Task 3.1

| Research interest |


| Some recent publications |

Vobecká, J. , Piguet, V. (2012): Fertility, Natural Growth, and Migration in the Czech Republic: an Urban-Suburban-Rural Gradient Analysis of Long-Term Trends and Recent Reversals, Population, Space and Place, 18 (3), 225-240.

Plantinga A., Détang-Dessendre C., Hunt G., Piguet V. (2013): Housing Prices and Inter-urban Migration. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 43( 2), 296-306.

Detang-Dessendre, C., Goffette-Nagot, F., Piguet, V. (2008): Life cycle migration to urban and rural areas: estimations of a mixed logit model on French data, Journal of Regional Science, 48 (4), 789-824.