Stéphane Blancard

S. Blancard
Institution: INRA CESAER
Role in the project: Leader of the Task 5.2
› Personnal website

| Research interest |

Expertise on agricultural economics and productivity analysis

| Some recent publications |

Blancard, S., Boussemart, J.P., Leleu, H. (2011): Measuring Potential Gains from Specialization under Non-Convex Technologies, Journal of the Operational Research Society 62(10), 1871–1880.

Blancard, S. (2006): Financial Exposure and Productive Performance in French Arable Farms, Economics Bulletin 4(15), 1–9.

Blancard, S., Boussemart, J.P., Briec, W., Kerstens, K. (2006): Short- And Long Run Credit Constraints in French Agriculture: a Directional Distance Function Framework Using Expenditure-Constrained Profit Functions, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88(2), 351–364