Mohamed Hilal

M. Hilal
Research engineer

Institution: INRA CESAER
Role in the project: Leader of Task 1.3, involved in Task 5.1
Personnal website  

| Research interest |

Expertise on settlement forms, urban and natural amenities, GIS

| Some recent publications |

Cavailhès J., Hilal M., Wavresky P. (2012): A New Real Option Value Due to “Demographic Risk” in the Market for Developable Land, The Open Urban studies Journal, 5, 32-39.

Joly D., Brossard T., Cardot H., Cavailhès J., Hilal M., Wavresky P. (2011): Temperature interpolation based on local information: the example of France, International Journal of Climatology 31: 2141-2153.

Cavailhès J., Brossard T., Foltête J.C., Hilal M., Joly D., Tourneux F.P., Tritz C., Wavresky P. (2009): GIS-based hedonic pricing of landscape, Environmental and Resource Economics, Volume 44, Issue 4 (2009), pp. 571-590.