Jean-Sauveur Ay

Jean-Sauveur Ay
J.-S. Ay
Junior researcher
Institution: INRA CESAER
Role in the project: Research team member involved in Task 2.3
› Personnal website

| Research interest |

Land economics with particular emphasis on land use, land price, and related public policy

| Some recent publications |

Ay J.-S., Chakir R., Doyen L., Jiguet F. and Leadley P. (2014): Integrated models, scenarios and dynamics of climate, land use and common birds. Climatic Change, Volume 126, Issue 1-2, pp 13-30.

Ay J.-S. and Napoléone C. (2013): Efficiency and equity of land conservation schemes: The effect of policy scale. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 129, pp 190-198.

Geniaux G., Ay J.-S., and Napoléone C. (2012): A spatial hedonic approach on land use change anticipations. Journal of Regional Science, Volume 51, Issue 5, pp 967-986.