D. Lépicier Study engineer |
› Institution: INRA CESAER |
Diagnosis of rural areas and evaluation of public policies
| Some recent publications |
Lataste F.G., Berriet-Solliec M., Trouvé A., Lépicier D., 2012, Le second pilier de la Politique Agricole Commune : une politique à la carte. Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine 25 p.
Dissart Jean-Christophe, Aubert Francis and Lépicier Denis (2011) ‘Analysing the Distribution of Population-based Employment in France’, Regional Studies, First published on : 06 May 2011 (iFirst), 16 p.
Courtney P., Lépicier D., Schmitt b., 2008 Spatial patterns of production linkages in the context of Europe’s small towns : How are rural firms linked to the local economy. Regional Studies, Volume 42, Issue 3 April 2008 , pages 355 – 374.