Cécile Détang-Dessendre

C. Détang-Dessendre
Senior researcher
Institution: INRA CESAER
Role in the project
: Project coordinator (WP0), involved in WP3 and WP5
: cecile.detang-dessendre@dijon.inra.fr
Personnal website

| Research interest |

Expertise on rural-urban migration analysis and local labor market

| Some recent publications |

Plantinga A., Détang-Dessendre C., Hunt G., Piguet V. (2012): Housing Prices and Inter-urban Migration. Regional Science and Urban Economics, On line first

Détang-Dessendre, C., Gaigné, C. (2009): Unemployment duration, city size, and the tightness of the labor market, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 39(3), 266–276.

Detang-Dessendre, C., Goffette-Nagot, F., Piguet, V. (2008): Life cycle migration to urban and rural areas: estimations of a mixed logit model on French data, Journal of Regional Science, 48 (4), 789-824.