Maria Blanco

M. Blanco
Associate professor

› Institution: Technical University of Madrid
› Role in the project: Leader of the Task 7.1, UPM team coordinator
› Email:
› Personnal website 

| Research interest |

Agro-economic Modelling, Integrated Assessment of Agricultural and Environmental Policies

| Some recent publications |

Belhouchette H., Blanco M., Wery J., Flichman G. (2012): Sustainability of irrigated farming systems in a Tunisian region: A recursive stochastic programming analysis. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 86, August 2012, 100-110.

Louhichi K., Kanellopoulos A., Janssen S., Flichman G., Blanco M., Hengsdijk H., Heckelei T., Berentsen P., Lansink A.O., Van Ittersum M. (2010): FSSIM, a bio-economic farm model for simulating the response of EU farming systems to agricultural and environmental policies. Agricultural Systems 103: 585-597.

Janssen S., Louhichi K., Kanellopoulos A., Zander P., Flichman G., Hengsdijk H., Meuter E., Andersen E., Belhouchette H., Blanco M., Borkowski N., Heckelei T., Hecker M., Li H., Oude Lansink A., Stokstad G., Thorne P., van Keulen H., van Ittersum M.K. (2010): A Generic Bio-Economic Farm Model for Environmental and Economic Assessment of Agricultural Systems. Environmental Management, 46: 862–877. DOI 10.1007/s00267-010-9588-x.

Blanco M., Burrell A., Gay H., Henseler M., Kavallari A., M’Barek R., Pérez I., Tonini A. (2010): Impacts of the EU biofuel target on agricultural markets and land use: a comparative modelling assessment. JRC Reference Reports, EUR 24449. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, DOI:10.2791/45105.