Petra Raue

P. Raue
Dipl.-Ing. agr.
Institution: Thünen Institute of Rural Studies
Role in the project: Research team member involved in Task 3.3
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| Research interest |

Rural development, LEADER, esp. effects of Mainstreaming Leader

| Some recent publications |

Raue, Petra; Pollermann, Kim; Schnaut, Gitta (2013): Place-making and Governance in LEADER.
In: Rural resilience and vulnerability: the rural as locus of solidarity and conflict in times of crisis : XXVth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology ; 29 July – 1 August 2013. Pisa: Laboratorio di studi rurali SISMONDI, p. 141-142 []

Pollermann, Kim; Raue, Petra; Schnaut, Gitta (2013): Rural Development experiences in Germany: opportunities and obstacles in fostering smart places through LEADER. Studies in agricultural economics 115, p. 111-117. []