L. A. Schroeder M. Sc. |
› Institution: Thünen Institute of Rural Studies › Role in the project: Research team member, involved in Task 3.5, Task 7.1, Task 7.2, Task 7.3 › Email: lilli.schroeder@ti.bund.de › Personnal website ›› |
Common Agricultural Policy; Rural development Programs; Agri-environment schemes; Policy modelling
| Some recent publications |
Schroeder L A, Gocht A, Britz W (2014) Impact of second Pillar funding – Validation from a modelling and evaluation perspective. Journal of Agricultural Economics, online first. doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12091
Schroeder, Lilli Aline; Isselstein, Johannes; Chaplin, Stephen; Peel, Stephen (2013) Agri-environment schemes: Farmers’ acceptance and perception of potential ‘Payment by Results’ in grassland – A case study in England. Land use policy, 32 (1), 134-144.
Gocht, Alexander; Albrecht, Raphael; Gömann, Horst; Ledebur, Oliver von; Kleinhanß, Werner; Offermann, Frank; Osterburg, Bernhard; Rothe, Andrea; Wendt, Heinz; Klepper, Rainer; Ehrmann, Markus; Schroeder, Lilli Aline (2012) Analyse des Vorschlags zur Reform der Zuckermarktordnung. Braunschweig: vTI, VII, 67, 7 Seiten, Landbauforschung vTI agriculture and forestry research – Sonderheft 360.
Schroeder, Lilli Aline (2012)Assessing farmers’ acceptance and perception of agri-environment schemes by ex-post application of the ‘Theory of Planned Behaviour’ – a case study in England. Paper prepared for the 126th EAAE Seminar: New challenges for EU agricultural sector and rural areas. Which role for public policy? Capri (Italy), June 27-29, 2012.
Göser, Tim; Schroeder, Lilli Aline; Klapp, Christian (2011) Agrarumweltprogramme: (Wann) lohnt sich die Teilnahme für landwirtschaftliche Betriebe? Göttingen: Univ, IV, 20 Seiten, Diskussionspapiere / Department für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung, Universität Göttingen 1103.