Anne Margarian

Dr. A. Margarian
› Institution: Thünen Institute of Rural Studies
Role in the project: Leader of WP3 and Task 3.2; German case study for Task 3.3.
› Personnal website

| Research interest |

Structural change in rural areas and the critical assessment of rural policy approaches

| Some recent publications |

Margarian, A. (forthcoming): A constructive critique of the endogenous development approach in the European support of rural areas. Growth and Change

Margarian, A. (forthcoming): Employment Development Policy in European Regions: The role of agriculture. EuroChoices

Margarian, A. (2010): Coordination and differentiation of strategies: the impact on farm growth of strategic interaction on rental market for land. German journal of agricultural economics, 59(3), 202-216

Hüttel, S., Margarian, A. (2009): Structural change in the West German agricultural sector, Agricultural economics, 40 (Suppl. 1), 759-772