Dr. A. Gocht |
› Institution: Thünen Institute of Rural Studies › Role in the project: Leader of WP7 and Task 3.5 and Task 7.2, involved in Task 7.1 and Task 7.3 › Email: alexander.gocht@ti.bund.de › Personnal website ›› |
Analysis of agricultural, environmental and rural development policies with respect to land use and environmental impacts
| Some recent publications |
Schroeder L A, Gocht A, Britz W (2014) Impact of second Pillar funding – Validation from a modelling and evaluation perspective. Journal of Agricultural Economics, online first. doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12091
Gocht, A., Britz, B., Ciaian, P., Y Paloma, S. G., (2013): Farm Type Effects of an EU-wide Direct Payment Harmonisation, Journal of Agricultural Economics Volume 64 (1) (forthcoming)
Renwick, A., Jansson, T., Verburg, P., Revoredo-Giha, C., Britz, W., Gocht, A., McCracken, D.( 2013): Policy reform and agricultural land abandonment in the EU. Land use policy, Volume 30, (1), 466-457
Britz, W., Gocht, A., Pérez Dominguez, I., Jansson, T., Grosche, S., Zhao, N., (2012): EU-Wide (regional and farm level) effects of premium decoupling and harmonisation following the health-check reform. German journal of agricultural economics, Volume 61, (1), 44-56
Gocht, A., Britz, W., (2011): EU-wide farm type supply models in CAPRI – How to consistently disaggregate sector models into farm type models. Journal of policy modelling, Volume 33, (1), 146-167
Röder, N., Gocht, A., (2011): Recovering localised information on agricultural structures while observing data confidentiality regulations – the potential of different data aggregation and segregation techniques. Journal of land use science, (forthcoming)