C. Clauzel Assistant professor |
› Institution: ThéMA › Role in the project: Research team member involved in Task 5.1 (ecological networks modeling) › Email: celine.clauzel@univ-fcomte.fr › Personnal website ›› |
Landscape ecology, remote sensing
| Some recent publications |
Foltête, J.-C., Girardet, X., Clauzel, C., 2014. A methodological framework for the use of landscape graphs in land-use planning. Landscape and Urban Planning. 124, 140-150.
Clauzel C., Girardet X., Foltete J.-C., 2013. Impact assessment of a high-speed railway line on species distribution : Application to the European tree frog (Hyla arborea) in Franche-Comté. Journal of environmental managment, 127, 125 – 134.
Girardet X., Foltete J.-C., Clauzel C., 2013. Designing a graph-based approach to landscape ecological assessment of linear infrastructures. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 42, 10-17.
Foltête J.C., Clauzel C., Girardet X., Tournant P., Vuidel G., 2012. La modélisation des réseaux écologiques par les graphes paysagers. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, vol.22, n°4, 641-658.
Foltête J. C., Clauzel C., Vuidel G., 2012. A software tool dedicated to the modelling of landscape networks. Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 38, 16-327.
Foltête, J.-C., Clauzel, C., Vuidel, G., Tournant, P., 2012. Integrating graph-based connectivity metrics into species distribution models. Landscape Ecology. 27, 557–569.