Carl Gaigné

C. Gaigné
Research director

› Institution: INRA SMART
› Role in the project: Leader of the Task 6.2, SMART team coordinator
› Email:
› Personnal website 

| Research interest |

Regional and Urban Economics, Agricultural and Environmental Economics

| Some recent publications |

Gaigné C., S. Riou, J.-F. Thisse (2012): Are compact cities environmentally friendly? Journal of Urban Economics 72, 123–136.

Gaigné C., J. Le Gallo, S. Larue, B. Schmitt (2012). Does manure management regulation work against agglomeration economies. Evidence from the French hog sector. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 94(1), 116-132.

Gaigné C. And J.-F. Thisse (2012): New Economic Geography and the City, in The Handbook of Regional Science (Fisher M. and Nijkamp P. Eds) Springer.

Bagoulla C., E. Chevassus, and C. Gaigné (2012): Regional production adjustments to import competition. Evidence from French agro-industry. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 92(4), 1024-1039.