V. Souchère Senior researcher |
› Institution: INRA SADAPT |
Interface of agronomy and ecology, mechanistic modeling of ecosystem services in agro-landscapes, models and companion modelling methods for co-innovation with stakeholders
| Some recent publications |
Couturier, A., Daroussin, J., Darboux, F., Souchère, V. in press. Improvement of surface flow network prediction for the modeling of erosion processes in agricultural landscapes. Geomorphology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.07.025
Barreteau, O., Abrami, G., Daré, W., Garin, P., Souchère, V. (2012) : Collaborative modelling as a boundary institution to handle institutional complexities in water management. In: H.A. Karl, L. Scarlett, J.C. Vargas-Moreno et M. Flaxman (Editors), Restoring Lands – Coordinating Science, Policics and Action: Complexities of Climate and Governance. Springer, pp. 109-128.
Souchère V, Millair L, Echeverria J, Bousquet F, Le Page C, Etienne M. (2010) : Co-constructing with stakeholders a role-playing game to initiate collective management of erosive runoff risks at the watershed scale. Environmental Modelling and Software. 01/2010; 25:1359-1370.