Stéphane De Cara

S. De Cara
Senior researcher

Institution: INRA EcoPub
Role in the project: Research team member
Personnal website

| Research interest |

Coupling of resources models and economic models

| Some recent publications |

De Cara, S.. Vermont, B. (2011): Policy considerations for mandating agriculture in a greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme: a comment. in : Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 7 p.

De Cara, S.; Jayet, P.A. (2011): Marginal abatement costs of greenhouse gas emissions from European agriculture, cost effectiveness, and the EU non-ETS burden sharing agreement in : Ecological Economics, vol. 70, n° 9., 1680-1690.

De Cara, S.; Jacquet, F.; Reynaud, A.; Goulevant, G.; Jeuffroy, M.-H.; Montfort, F. & Lucas, P. (2011): Economic analysis of summer fallow management to reduce take-all disease and N-leaching in a wheat crop rotation. In : Environmental Modeling and Assessment, Vol. 16(1), 91-105