Maia David

M. David
Assistant professor

Institution: INRA EcoPub
Role in the project: Research team member
› Personnal website

| Research interest |

Optimal land use for ecosystem services and the contracts that must be granted to farmers to maximize these services at low cost

| Some recent publications |

Canton, J.; David, M.; Sinclair-Desgagné B. (2012): Environmental Regulation and Horizontal Mergers in the Eco-industry, in : Strategic Behavior and the Environment, vol. 2, n° 2., 107-132.

David, M. ; Nimubona, A.D., Sinclair-Desgagné, B. (2011): Emission taxes and the market for abatement goods and services in : Resource and Energy Economics, vol. 33, n° 1, 179-191.

David, M. ; Sinclair–Desgagné, B. (2010): Pollution abatement subsidies and the eco–industry, in : Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 45, n° 2, 271–282