Michael Obersteiner

Dr. M. Obersteiner

› Institution: IIASA
› Role in the project: Research team member involved in WP2
› Email: oberstei@iiasa.ac.at
 Personnal website 

| Research interest |

Dr. Michael Obersteiner is leader of the Ecosystems Services and Management Program at IIASA. He has been the PI of over 60 research projects in the areas of climate change mitigation and adaptation, global and European land use, or GHG analysis complying with the Kyoto Protocol.

| Some recent publications |

Obersteiner M., Böttcher H. and Yamagata Y., “Terrestrial ecosystem management for cli-mate change mitigation,” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2010.

Smith, P., Gregory, P. J., van Vuuren, D., Obersteiner, M., Havlik, P., Rounsevell, M., Woods, J., Stehfest, E. & Bellarby, J. (2010): Competition for land. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 (1554), 2941-2957.

Obersteiner M, Stafford Smith M, Hiepe C, Brklacich M, Rudder W. (2010): Green Food Systems for 9 Billion. Chapter 19, Part V Food Systems in a Changing World. In: Food Security and Global Environmental Change, J. Ingram, P. Ericksen and D. Liverman (eds.), Earthscan, London, UK pp. 301-317 [2010].

Kindermann G., Obersteiner, M., Sohngen, B., , Sathaye, J., Andrasko, K., Rametsteiner, E., Schlamadinger, B., Wunder, S., and Beach, R. (2008): Global cost estimates of reducing car-bon emissions through avoided deforestation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, July 29, 105(30), pp. 10302–10307